We believe that clients entrust their single greatest asset to our care. The investment funds we oversee ultimately provide for the realization of our client’s most important lifetime goals. We’re not managing money; we’re being trusted with people’s futures.

We believe that our clients need to preserve and enhance their investment capital, receive a steady and increasing income through years of retirement, provide a legacy to their heirs and achieve true freedom and financial security.

We believe in the ownership of professionally managed equity portfolios. Conservative, value oriented portfolio managers with many years of experience are best able to preserve and appreciate our client’s investment capital.

We believe that patience, confidence, and commitment are essential for successful equity investing over the course of one’s lifetime. We possess a belief in the future, as must our clients.

We believe that the short-term direction of equity markets and interest rates are unknowable. We do not concern ourselves with or attempt to predict the short-term direction of markets. Such a focus will be inherently counterproductive.

As advisors, we are most concerned with protecting our clients from permanent capital loss. We will not recommend an investment product or strategy if we feel there is any such risk.

At all times we will provide guidance and counsel in keeping with this stated investment philosophy.